Splunk - Search Processing Language

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Common SPL Commands

Sorting ResultsOrdering results and limiting the number of resultsort
Filtering ResultsTaking a set of events or results and filtering them into a smaller set of resultssearch, where, dedup, head, tail
Grouping ResultsGrouping events so you can see patternstransaction
Reporting ResultsTaking search results and generating summary for reportingtop/rare, stats, chart, timechart
Filtering, Modifying, and Adding fieldsFiltering out or removing some fields to focus on the ones you need, or modifying or adding fields to enrich your results or events.fields,replace,eval,rex,lookup

Sorting Results


The sort command sorts search results by the specified fields.

  • Examples:

... | sort 0 field1

→ Sort results in ascending order by field1, returns all results (0 means return everything).

... | sort field1,-field2

→ Sort field1 in ascending order, and field2 in descending order, returning up to 10,000 results (by default).

... | sort filename

... | sort num(filename)

... | sort str(filename)

  • Sort results by filename.

→ The first command lets Slunk decide how to sort the field values.

→ The second command asks Splunk to sort filename numerically.

→ The thrid command tells Splunk to sort the values lexicographically. (Lexicographical order: 123, 132, 213, 231, 312, and 321.)

Note: by default, ascending order is the default order for search results.

  • The results might looks like this:

Filtering Results

These commands take the results from a previous command and filter them into a smaller set of results.


  • The where command filters result based on an expression.
  • If the evaluation is successful and the result is true, the result is retained, otherwise, the result is discarded.

Example 1:

source=job_listings | where salary > industry_average

  • The above example will return a list of jobs that has salary greater than industry_average.

  • Or we can also specify an explicit value.

source=job_listings | where salary > 70000

Example 2:

... | where distance/time > 100

→ Keep results whose distance divided by time is greater than 100.


Example 3:

  • Keep results that match the IP address or are in the specified subnet.

... | where like(src, "10.10.10.%") OR cidrmatch("", dst)


→ Primarily used to remove redundant data. → The amount of results are based on count value.

Example 1:

  • Keeps the first result of each unique host.

... | dedup host

  • Keeps each unique source and sorted by delay field in descending order.

... | dedup source sortby -delay

  • Keeps the first result for each unique combination of source and host.

... | dedup source,host

  • Keeps the first result for each unique source, including null value.

... | dedup source keepempty=true

Example 2:

  • 3 are the count, which means it keeps 3 results of each unique host

... | dedup 3 source

Tips and Tricks:
  • Keeps all results and remove duplications only, use: keepevents option.
  • Using the sortby option to filter value.
  • keepnull=<true/false> option can be used to override the default behaviors.

  • Returns first count results.
  • Note: the oppsite head is tail.

For example:

  • The following command will return first 5 results.

... | head 5

  • Following image will best illustrate the concept:
  • The following command will return the first events until it reaches an event, which does NOT have an action field with the value startup.
  • In order words, we just want the first events with a startup value.

... | head (action="startup")

Grouping Results


  • Group all the events, which meet transaction conditions.
  • Here are some examples to clarify the concepts:
  1. ... | transaction clientip maxpause=5s
    • The commands will group events:
    • Have the same client IP address → clientip.
    • Have no gaps or pauses longer than 5 seconds → maxpause=5s.
  2. ... | transaction clientip host maxspan=30s maxpause=5s
    • The commands will group events:
    • Have the same client IP address. → clientip.
    • Have the same host. → host.
    • First and last event gap of each session <= 30 seconds. maxspan=30s.
    • Have no gaps or pauses longer than 5 seconds → maxpause=5s.
  3. transaction clientip maxspan=10m maxevents=3
    • The commands will group events:
    • Have the same client IP address. → clientip.
    • First and last event gap of each session <= 10 minutes. maxspan=10m.
    • Mo more than three events.

All together

sourcetype=access* | transaction JSESSIONID clientip startwith="signon" endwith="purchase" | where duration > 1
  • The commands will retrieve web access events → sourcetype=access*, then
    • Group all events:
      • Have same SESSION ID → JSESSIONID.
      • Have the same client IP address. → clientip.
      • First event contains the string signonstartwith="signon".
      • Last event contains the string purchaseendwith="purchase".
    • And filter transactions that took less than 1 second to complete. → duration > 1.
Take away concepts
  • transaction arguments (startwith, endwith) are optional, but some arguments as clientip, JSESSIONID must be specified to instruct grouping conditions.

  • Splunk does not need a conjunction (field1 AND field2) or disconjunction (field1 OR field2), transaction will automatically do it.

For example: if we search 3 events with query: transaction host cookie. We might ends up grouping the following events into a single transaction.

  • event=1 host=aevent1
  • event=2 host=a cookie=bevent2
  • event=3 cookie=bevent3

→ The first two events (event1 and event2) will be joined because they have the same host (host=a). → The two last events (event2 and event3) will be joined because they have the same cookie (cookie=b).

  • The transaction command results two important fields:
    • duration: timestamp gap for the first and last events in the transaction.
    • eventcount: number of events in the transaction.
  • Later on, we’ll look at the stat command. It’s worth noticing that they all aggregate events, but here are a few disintctions:
    • stat calculates statistical values on events grouped by the value of fields.

      → Statistics and human-readable.

    • transaction focuses on how events are grouped by providing various arguments.

      → Heavily groups the events, presents in raw text and is hard to read.

Reporting Results

Reporting commands: top, stats, chart and timechart.


  • Given a list of fields, top command reports the frequency of those field values, along with their count and percentage.

  • Note: the opposite top is rare.
  • Examples:
  1. ... | top 20 url → The command will return the 20 most common URLs.
  2. ... | top 2 user by host → Return the top 2 frequent users for each host.


  • Is used to calculate aggregate statistics over a dataset.

  • The result might be presented in a table format, and might contain a row which has the aggregation in the incoming result, or a row for each distinct value.

  • Other commands acts as stats:
    • chart: returns the same table of results, with rows as arbitrary field.
    • timechart: return the same table of results, but the row is set to the internal field, _time, which allows to chart the results based on a time range.
  • Examples:
  1. ... | stats dc(host)
    • Return the distinct count of host values.
  2. ... | stats avg(kbps) by host
    • Return the average transfer rate for each host.
  3. ... | stats count(eval(method="GET")) as GET, count(eval(method="POST")) as POST by host
    • Return the total of requests (POST and GET) for each host. Note: with as, POST can be used as a name alias for count(eval(method="POST")).
    • The following image will best demonstrate the idea.
  1. ... | top limit=100 referer_domain | stats sum(count) as total
    • Returns the total number of hits from the top 100 values of referer_domain.
  2. ... | stats count, max(Magnitude), min(Magnitude), range(Magnitude), avg(Magnitude) by Region
    • Magnitude is just a USGS data.
    • As we can see, the query processes the count, max, etc. and additional statistic for each Region.
  3. ... | stats values(product_type) as Type, values(product_name) as Name, sum(price) as "Revenue" by product_id | rename product_id as "Product ID" | eval Revenue="$".tostring(Revenue,"commas")
    • Returna table with Type, Name and Revenue of each product_id.
    • Reformat the Revenue as $123,345.
  • Some useful statistical functions:

[1]. Mathematical Calculation:

avg(X)Returns average of the values of field X; see also, mean(X) .
count(X)Returns the number of occurrences of the field X; to indicate a field value to match, format the X argument as an expression: eval(field=”value”) .
dc(X)Returns the count of distinct values of field X.
max(X)Returns the maximum value of field X. If the values are non-numeric, the max is determined per lexicographic ordering.
median(X)Returns the middle-most value of field X.
min(X)Returns the minimum value of field X. If the values are non-numeric, the min is determined per lexicographic ordering.
mode(X)Returns the most frequent value of field X.
perc<percent-num>(X)Returns the <percent-num>-th value of field X; for example, perc5(total) returns the 5 th percentile value of the total field.
range(X)Returns the difference between the max and min values of field X, provided values are numeric.
stdev(X)Returns the sample standard deviation of field X. You can use wildcards when you specify the field name; for example, “delay”, which matches both “delay” and “xdelay”.
sum(X)Returns the sum of the values of field X.
var(X)Returns the sample variance of field X.

[2]. Value Selections

first(X)Returns the first value of field X; opposite of last(X) .
last(X)Returns the last value of field X; opposite of first(X). Generally, a field’s last value is the most chronologically oldest value.
list(X)Returns the list of all values of field X as a multivalue entry. The order of the values matches the order of input events.
values(X)Returns a list (as a multivalue entry) of all distinct values of field X, ordered lexicographically.

[3]. timechart command only. ( Not apply to chart or stats command)

per_day(X)Returns the rate of field X per day
per_hour(X)Returns the rate of field X per hour
per_minute(X)Returns the rate of field X per minute
per_second(X)Returns the rate of field X per year


  • Creates a tabular data output suitable for charting. You can specify the x-axis variable using over or by.
  1. ... | chart max(delay) over host
    • Return max(delay) for each value of host.
  2. ... | chart max(delay) by size bins=10
    • Chart the maximum delay by size, where size is broken down into a maximum of 10 equal-size bucket.
  3. ... | chart eval(avg(size)/max(delay)) as ratio by host user
    • Chart the ratio of the average (mean) size to the maximum delay for each distinct host and user pair.
  4. ... | chart dc(clientip) over date_hour by category_id usenull=f
    • Chart the number of unique clientip values per hour by category, usenull=f excludes fields that don’thave a value.
  5. ... | chart count over Magnitude by Region useother=f
    • Chart the number of earthwakes by Magnitude and Region.
    • Use the useother=f argument to not output an other value for rarer Regions.
  6. ... | chart count(eval(method=”GET”)) as GET, count(eval(method=”POST”)) as POST by host
    • Chart the number of GET and POST page requests that occurred for each Web server ( host )


  • As the name suggested, the timechart command creates a chart for statistical aggregation apply to the field against time in the x-axis.

Example commands:

  1. ... | timechart span=1m avg(CPU) by host
    • Chart the average value of CPU usage each minute for each host.
  2. ... | timechart span=1d count by product-type
    • Chart the number of purchases made daily for each type of product daily.
  3. ... | timechart avg(cpu_seconds) by host | outlier
    • Chart the average cpu_seconds by host and remote outlying values that may distort the timechart’s y-axis.
  4. ... | timechart per_hour(eval(method="GET")) as Views, per_hour(eval(action="purchase")) as Purchases
    • Chart the number of Views against the numer of Purchases hourly. This resolves the question - How many views did not lead to purchases?
  5. ... | timechart count(eval(method="GET")) as GET, count(eval(method="POST")) as POST
    • Chart the number of page requests over time.
  6. ... | timechart per_hour(price) by product_name
    • Chart hourly revenue for the products that were purchased yesterday.
    • The per_hour() function sums the values of the price field for each item product_name and scales that sum appropriately depending on the timespan of each bucket.
  • Tabulated Results:
  • Formatted Timechart:

Filtering, Modifying, and Adding Fields

  • These commands in this section will help us to filter, modify and manipulate our search results.
fieldSimplify results by removing some fields
replaveMake field values become more readable for a particular audience
evalCalculate the values of a new field based on other fields
rexCreate new fields using regular expression, to extracting patterned data into other fields
lookupAdd fields based on looking at the value in an event, referencing a lookup table, adding the fields in matching rows in the lookup table to your event.


  • Remove fields from the search results.
  • Example:
  1. ... | fields - field1, field2
    • Remove field1 and field2 from the search results.
  2. ... | fields field1 field2
    • Keep only field1 and field2
  3. ... | fields field1 error*
    • Keep only field1 and all fields, whose name begin with error
  4. ... | fields field1 field2 | fields - _*
    • Keep only field1 and field2 and remove all internal fields, (which begins with an underscore (_)). Proceeds with cautions because it might render incorrect results in the future search.
Take away
  • Internal fields i.e. fields start with underscore are unaffected by the fields command, unless explicitly specified.


  • The replace command performs a search-and-replace for specified field values with replacement values.


  1. replace *localhost with localhost in host
    • Change any host value that ends with localhost to localhost.
  2. replace 0 with Critical, 1 with Error in msg_level
    • Change msg_level values of 0 to Critical, and change msg_level values of 1 to Error.
  3. replace aug with August in start_month end_month
    • Change any start_month or end_month value of aug to August.
  4. replace with localhost
    • Change all field values of to localhost.


  • The eval command calculates an expression and puts the results into a new field.


  1. ... | eval velocity=distance/time
    • Set velocity to distance divided by time.
  2. ... | eval status = if(error == 200, “OK”, “Error”)
    • Set status to OK if error is 200; otherwise set status to Error.
  3. ... | eval sum_of_areas = pi()* pow(radius_a, 2) + pi() * pow(radius_b, 2)
    • Set sum_of_areas to be the sum of the areas of two circles.


  • Extract fields and values that matches a specified Regular Expression.


  1. ... | rex “From: (?<from>.*) To: (?<to>.*)”
    • Extract from and to fields using regular expressions. If a raw event contains “From: Susan To: Bob” , then from=Susan and to=Bob.
  2. rex field=savedsearch_id (?<user>\w+);(?<app>\w+); (?<SavedSearchName>\w+)
    • Extract user ,app , and SavedSearchName from a field called savedsearch_id. If savedsearch_id = “bob;search;my_saved_search” , then user=bob, app=search, and SavedSearchName=my_saved_search.
  3. rex mode=sed “s/(\\d{4}-){3}/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-/g”
    • Use sed syntax to match the regex to a series of numbers, and replace them with an anonymized string.


  • A lookup command manually invokes field lookups from a lookup table, enabling you to add field values from an external source.


  1. ... | lookup usertogroup user as local_user OUTPUT group as user_group
    • For a lookup table with fields user and group , specified in stanza name usertogroup in transform.conf, look up the value of each event’s local_user field.
    • For entries that match, the value of the lookup table’s group field is written to the event’s user_group field.
  2. ... | lookup dnslookup host OUTPUT ip
    • Given a field lookup named dnslookup , referencing a Python script that performs a reverse DNS lookup and accepts either a host name or IP address as arguments, match the host name values ( host field in your events to the host name values in the table, and then add the corresponding IP address values to your events (in the ip field).
  3. ... | lookup local=true userziplookup user as local_user OUTPUT zip as user_zip
  • For a local lookup table that is present only in the search head, look up the value of each event’s user field. For entries that match, the value of the lookup table’s zip field is written to the event’s user_zip field.
  • The above commands are not everything about SPL. Yet, those are powerful enough to extract any data in any format.